Oregano Oil Liquid (#966)

Oregano Oil Liquid (#966)

Featuring the highest quality and most clinically effective wild type oregano, grown in the Mediterranean and extracted via gentle steam distillation.

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There are over 25 different species of oregano, but wild type oregano, unlike the spice found in the local grocery store and most others, contains active ingredients that provide health benefits. The highest quality and most clinically effective wild type oregano is grown in parts of the Mediterranean. To be able to extract the most delicate and efficacious components of this plant, a gentle steam distillation process must be used. The most important active ingredient is carvacrol, and the highest quality and most potent oregano oil contains a minimum of 60-70% carvacrol. 


  • Wildcrafted oregano oil from wild Mediterranean oregano plants.
  • Wildcrafted oregano oil derived from plants grown organically without the use of any toxic pesticides and/or herbicides.
  • The plants are grown in their native environment which maximizes their ability to concentrate the natural, bioactive ingredients.
  • The oil is extracted from the plant without the use of harsh chemicals, through a steam distillation process. The oregano oil is then put into extra virgin olive oil as a base.
  • Standardized to 70% carvacrol (most bioactive component) and also contains a full spectrum of other naturally occurring compounds found in oregano.
  • Taste: Intensely pungent, hot, aromatic. Will feel warm upon topical contact.



  • Carvacrol and other naturally occurring oregano compounds have the ability to provide significant support to the immune system.
  • Carvacrol also helps promote a healthy inflammatory response and provides antioxidant support to healthy cells.
  • Oregano oil helps support a normal, healthy immune response to environmental allergens.
  • Oregano Oil liquid exceeds all the criteria for supplement grade oregano oil.
Available Sizes
Item # Size Label (PDF)
9661 1oz VIEW LABEL
9662 2 oz VIEW LABEL