Organic Whole Food Zinc, 15mg (#751)

Organic Whole Food Zinc, 15mg (#751)

15mg of Vegan Certified, Organic, Whole Food Zinc with 200 mg of our Organic Whole Food Blend from 16 fruits, veggies, herbs and mushrooms

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Zinc is a trace mineral that is essential to many biological functions. Zinc, a nutrient found throughout your body, helps your immune system and metabolism function. Zinc is also important to wound healing and your sense of taste and smell. With a varied diet, your body usually gets enough zinc. Zinc even impacts taste and smell: a zinc deficiency may be noticed by a simple loss of taste and smell. It is important for the function of over 100 special proteins known as enzymes, which are needed to speed up chemical reactions in the body.


  • USDA Organic and VEGAN Certified
  • Whole Food, Non GMO, Simple and Clean Excipients
  • 15 mg of Zinc (from Organic Guava and Zinc Chelate)
  • 200 mg of Organic Whole Food Blend from 16 Fruits, Veggies, Herbs and Mushrooms
  • Contains No dairy, wheat, gluten, eggs, peanuts, soy, fish, shellfish, preservatives, artificial colors or flavors.



  • The body needs zinc to make DNA, RNA, insulin, dozens of enzymatic reactions, and to facilitate immune response and cellular repair and renewal. Chelated zinc may be vitally important for healthy skin, connective tissue and normal prostate function.
  • Testing suggests that the chelated minerals are absorbed two to six times better than non-chelated minerals.
  • Studies also show that prophylactic (preventive) use of zinc lozenges may reduce the number of colds per year, as well as reduce antibiotic usage.
  • Studies show zinc enhances immune support and may reduce the severity and duration of seasonal disorders. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Oral zinc supplements might benefit people with low levels of zinc. Taken soon after cold symptoms appear, zinc might also shorten the length of a cold.”
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